Um... It's snowing.

Thanks, Vail Summit. Trapped in snow at 10,662 ft elevation. 22 degree weather. Thick blanket, flashlight, and food and water in hand. It helps to watch Survivorman.

1 comment:

  1. It started to rain. Then it started to snow. By 9:00 PM we couldn't see in front of us anymore. Liezl pulled us into a rest stop that just happened to be at the Vail summit (10,662 ft) where, of course, the weather was at its worst. All we could do was huddle in our car as we got steadily buried under an onslaught of snow. At one point we trudged through the varying depths of snow to the restrooms where we encountered other drivers seeking a respite. When we told them we were Californians they laughed and said "Good luck."
