About Us

FLIPS ON TRIPS is Dollyanna & LG, best friends and travel addicts! Although budget constraints and work commitments prevent us from being the global jetsetters we wish we could be, we still manage to put ourselves out there. Check out some of our trips! And if you have any travel suggestions, please share!

DOLLYANNA (pictured left) is a Flip who can't speak Tagalog, but who can do a Flip accent (if you feed her rice). She has used her Master of Arts degree in English to attend academic conferences around the country, combining research presentations with some sightseeing. Some of her favorite destinations so far include Finland's Turku Castle, Washington State's Hoh Rainforest, and Washington D.C.'s National Archives. 

LG (pictured right) is a Flip who can understand, but not speak, Tagalog. She is an aspiring photographer, videographer, photojournalist, world traveler, chef, and food taster. Her "to do" and "places to travel" lists are long enough to circumnavigate the globe, which funnily enough fits under both lists. Favorite destinations include Italy, Greece, Washington State, and New York City. Current motto: "Anywhere but here."

She would describe her photographs as "photojournalistic" as she likes to document and record her travels as if you were right there with her. When in reality, her intentions are to make others jealous they weren't ACTUALLY there. She hopes to one day convince her fellow trip buddy, Dollyanna, to be her model for more artistic photographic endeavors. Please, Dollyanna?