Tripping in the Philippines

                                                             (C) Google Maps 2015



One special Flips on Trips blogger is returning to the motherland! (That's me, by the way) 

After a 14+ hour plane ride from LAX, official stops will include Lucena, Polillo Island, Palawan, and -- of course -- Manila. It will be a mix of "Hello, Aunties!" and "Hello, Tourist Site!" I'll be traveling with my wonderful parents / tour guides. It's been over 20 years since my father has been home so it will be fun to see his reactions to the changes. 

I'm currently spraying my clothes with permethrin and stocking up on anti-motion sickness meds. Last time I was there in the late 1980s I threw up the aftereffects of a rather turbulent ferry ride for several days, all the while keeping mosquitoes well fed (from my blood, not my upchunks). I'll eventually post a list of product reviews and travel tips, but for now enjoy the vacation recaps below!